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My Services

See what I have to offer
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Financial Coaching

With tools that combine training in financial literacy with cognitive psychology I use a framework that helps you identify your money mindset and goals that feel more doable. The recommendations will suit both your personality and your financial needs. This works for people who find they set goals but often do not seem to keep them. This approach is very helpful in helping you get and stay on a plan that is sustainable for life.

Financial Coaching

Whole and Term Life Insurance

Life insurance offers risk management and protection for the unexpected events of life. Whole life builds cash value, never expires and offers several features such as loans, internal cash value growth rates and living benefits. As these whole life policies mature, they can be rolled into new investments. These are paid out tax free which makes them very attractive to everyone. 


Term life offers a higher death benefit for the premium payments you will pay for the term of the plan. Usually 10- 30 years. Term life is a great option when there is a need to cover a high expense such as a high cost of living, mortgage or raising children.

Image by CDC
Whole and Term Life Insurance

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Image by James Hose Jr

Annuities and Indexed Life Insurance

Build the life and financial cash flow you want in your retirement years. These products are created with long term care, cash flow and high interest return on investment designs so you don’t have to have the financial wizardry of a Warren Buffet to experience strong, and yes, tax free or tax deferred returns.  We will take you through all the steps to find the right programs across over 70 carriers and help you qualify for them. All you need to do is be willing to try.

Annuities and Indexed Life Insurance

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